The enterprise is a Sarl with a capital of 20 000 euros established in June 2017
Assistance in recruitment / Better introduction to the enterprise offers its services and package offers to enterprises, to attract and welcome the candidates in the enterprise in a more relational manner, due to the experience sharing and co-working.
Support you candidates
With the WELCOME PACKS, each enterprise offers its candidates a once in a lifetime experience of their future life, during a weekend. places them in contact with Welcomers, so that all their questions can be answered. This offer portrays a positive visualisation of a successful installation, the joy of living in our city and constructing a sympathetic capital.
The WELCOME PACKS can sustain a family and help to install and integrate them locally.
Better integrate you candidates
Jobapck can help you to optimize your employer brand. It can be through office staging, renovating spaces in your company, in a collaborative way, to attract the younger generations with the DECORUM PACK. This is also a co-working session to define a political welcoming in the enterprise, where everyone will have a key role – this is WELCOME ATTITUDE PACK. Why not a CUSTOM PACK to better welcome the candidate the day of his arrival or your best clients on a important event day.

The experience of moving and the analysis of recruitment
The first step of experimentation before a national development
The dynamic entrepreneurships of Orleans has pushed her to create A few important businesses in Orleans such as DIOR, Mr Bricolage and La Laiterie de St Denis de L’Hotel share with her their hiring problems. They were expecting concrete solutions. The town hall of Orleans has itself been very favourable in supporting the first phase of experimentation. The national development will follow in 2018 with aide of franchising.